How Terralift Septic Repair Helps Your Septic System

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When faced with septic system issues, it’s best to have them repaired as quickly as possible to avoid more serious problems. At Speedy Rooter Plumbing, we offer Terralift septic repair, a method of drain field restoration in Staunton, VA, that offers numerous benefits. We explain these further below:

Restores Drainfield Functionality

One of the primary benefits of Terralift septic repair is its ability to restore the functionality of a failing drainfield. A failing drainfield is caused by soil compaction, which restricts the flow of effluent and prevents proper wastewater treatment. Terralift injects air into the soil, creating pathways for improved drainage.

Environmentally Friendly Solution

Terralift septic repair is also an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional methods that involve extensive excavation and disruption. The process requires minimal disturbance to the landscape and does not use harsh chemicals. Terralift can also prevent the contamination of local water sources by improving the functionality of your drainfield.

Compared with a drain field replacement, Terralift septic repair is also much more cost-effective and long-lasting. To learn more about Terralift septic repair and how it can benefit you, reach out to the leading drain field restoration company, Speedy Rooter Plumbing. Schedule an appointment with our professional team today.

Contact Us Today

When in need of basic and emergency plumbing services, call Speedy Rooter Plumbing. We are the team that you can trust for services from a reliable plumber in Charlottesville, VA, and nearby areas. We have a committed team of well-trained professionals waiting to address your needs. Call us today or fill out the form on this site to schedule your appointment.
